only most recent
My Work Experience
Professor of Spanish and Hispanic Studies
Ph.D. from Cornell University
MA and BA from Univ. of Kansas
B.S.J. in Journalism from Univ. of Kansas
Leadership Position
Leadership Training
Co-President and Founder, with Alan Liu, of the Center for Humanities Communication (CHC)
Co-Director, 4Humanities
Member of the Board of Directors, Empire State Performing Arts Center, (The Egg), Albany, NY
Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) Wellesley Institute.
American Council on Education (ACE) Southern Regional LeadershipForum for Women Administrators
Resources and Training for Communicating the Humanities
Co-Founder and President, with Prof. Alan Liu​
The mission of the Center for Humanities Communication is to curate and contribute to an open-license digital clearinghouse of quality humanities advocacy and communication materials, and to mentor “new voices” of humanities communicators able to enter organizations, professions, and media roles that bring the humanities to the public. We believe that a widely sourced and centrally coordinated Center for Humanities Communication can directly and effectively support individuals, groups, and organizations, locally and nationwide, in their work advocating and communicating about the humanities.

Students from the Call for Social Change Class
Who am I ?
I am a parent, partner and professor who is passionate about empowering our young.
What do I do?
I teach, mentor, and advocate for the importance of a balanced and holistic education through which students expand their thinking into new and creative directions.
What problem am I trying to solve?
Despite an ever-increasing need for more humanity-centered solutions, the Liberal Arts and the Arts and Humanities get a bad rap, and as a result fewer kids are enrolling in these programs.
What is my solution?
My goal is to reimagine and refresh curricular programs, as well as enhance communication and share mutually beneficial ideas and solutions.
What makes my work different?
Like many, I want to show students and parents the wondrous world of the arts and humanities and the cross-disciplinary opportunities they afford. But I do so with an eye toward the future and the needs of the future workforce. I include the voices and visions of the next generation through a holistic approach to our work-lives and to the building of diverse and inclusive communities.
Why do I do what I do?
Because my dream was to be graphic designer or a set designer. But I had no mentor, no money, no understanding of what I could do with a degree in the arts. So I took a different path. Today, I want every young person—especially first generation students—to understand how they can turn their passions into meaningful and creative careers.
Most Recent Book Publications

What are the Arts and Humanities?
Information about Majors
Essays by Students and Alumni
Portraits of Young Professionals
Info about Career Options
Fun Facts and Data Contextualized
Publications Overview
Most recent only
EDITED VOLUMES & BOOKS (most recent only)
The Entrepreneurial Humanities: The Crucial Role of the Humanities in Enterprise and the Economy
co-edited with Alain-Philippe Durand
Routledge, 2023
Extraordinary Partnerships: How the Arts and Humanities are Transforming America
Lever Press, 2020
Advice from the Ocean: Unexpected Paths into Marine Conservation
co-edited with Leah Henseler
Independent Publication, 2020
Hybrid Storyspaces: Redefining the Critical Enterprise in Twenty-First Century Hispanic Literature
co-edited with Debra Castillo
Hispanic Issues Series, 2012
University of Minnesota's Digital Conservancy
Generation X Goes Global
Routledge, 2012
JOURNAL & CHAPTER ESSAYS (most recent only)
“Could A Center for Humanities Communication Be the Answer?"
Co-authored with Alan Liu. The ACAD Leader. October 2023.
"Sparking a Movement: Cross-Disciplinary Innovation and the Humanities.”
The Entrepreneurial Humanities: The Crucial Role of the Humanities in Enterprise and the Economy.
Ed. by Alain-Philippe Durand and Christine Henseler.
"Introduction: Humanities Rising: How the World Is . . . and Might Be"
Extraordinary Partnerships: How the Arts and Humanities are Transforming America. E
d. by C. Henseler. Lever Press, 2020.
Finding Humanity: Social Change on Our Own Terms
The Scholar as Human: Research and Teaching for Public Impact.
Ed. Anna Sims Bartel and Debra A. Castillo.
Cornell University Press, 2020. Pgs. 129 - 142.
On the Fine Art of Being Portal:
Seeing a Greater Range of Possibilities for Higher Education
Leonardo’s Children: Stories on Creativity by Fine Arts Leaders that will Blow your Mind.
Co-edited by Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Steven J. Peters.
Publisher: International Council of Fine Arts Deans.
Taking the Future By the Horns:
Making Change Happen From The Ground Up.
Modern Languages Journal. Vol. 101. Issue 2. 436-39.I 2017.
NEWSPAPER & OTHER ARTICLES (most recent only)
Could a Center for Humanities Communication Be the Answer? (co-authored with Alan Liu). October 2023 issue.
Stop Repeating Age-old Stigmas: Careers in the Arts and Humanities are Plentiful and They Pay
4Humanities Blog Jan. 13, 2023.
Social Change through Storytelling
with Kathleen Sinatra, Hayden Paneth, and Kate Osterholz
4Humanities, Feb. 17th, 2020
We Need More Men in the Humanities
Inside Higher Ed, Oct. 2, 2018
Want Your Kids to Have a Secure Future? Invest in a Liberal Arts Education
Co-authored with Tal Leeds
Colleges of Distinction, Mar. 15, 2017
Arts and Humanities: A Tale of Two Crises
Inside Higher Ed, Dec. 9th, 2016
Are the Arts and Humanities Worth Your Investment?: Making the Case for Our Shared Health and Wealth
HuffPost, March 25, 2016

Here's Some of What I Teach
in English and in Spanish